It’s not wrong to say that the People of the Philippines are among the top foodies in the world who always love to try different fast food types including traditional and non-traditional.
The good thing about Filipinos is they always appreciate food due to their love and respect for food. No matter they enjoy or not any food, they will always appreciate it knowing that at least its providing them calories or energy to survive in this universe.
Today we’ve discussed on menu meal the most popular and widely searched food menus in the Philippines. Some food brand’s menus may be new to you and to some you might be familiarized if you are food lover.
Top Food Menus in Philippines
The jollibee is top of the list food brand most famous in the territory of Philippines. Its another talk that this brand is continuously popularizing in other countries as a multinational brand.
You might be surprised after knowing that around 1 million people are searching for the Jollibee menu around the world and around half a million alone in the territory of the Philippines.
Starbucks need no introduction, everyone knows its one of the most popular drink or coffe brand around the the world. According to recent stats of 2023, Starbucks alone sold coffees of worth $35.016B from all their local and international branches.
The SB made history by generating this much revenue this year, but remember the number is constantly increasing. There are around 3 million people across the world searching for Starbucks menu on the internet and around 500K people alone in Philippines searching for its menu.
3. Mcdo Menu
We all know McDonald’s is one of the most old fast food restaurant chain in the world and in the Philippines who started its ventures in the Philippines just after seeing Jollibee’s breakthrough success.
The menu of McDonalds in searched middle ranged in numbers in Philippines around 300K searches, but in the world around 700K people are searching for its menu, the number is low compared to other brands because mostly people already know the studd in their menu.
4. KFC Menu
No matter where these two brands go KFC and McDonalds, they always compete at a level. After McDonald’s KFC is the most popularly searched food brand in Pilippines and in the world.
Keep in mind that these two brands no doubt have authority in the market, but still, they haven’t successfully beat Jollibee in the local territory in terms of sales and likeliness.
Due to the supportive nature of people of Philippines Chowking as a chinese taste food brand is constantly rising in their sales across Philippines. Its a fact that Chowking is comparatively a new brand to other restaurants in the country, but the rising trend of Chinese food in Philippines making it a breakthrough brand.
If we talk about how many people are searching for it Philippines, the number is low but in competition to KFC and McDonald’s. Around 200K people are searching for in alone in Philippines.
Mang Inasaal is another local brands specifically stepped in market for local Filipinos of Philippines. Its constantly giving a tough competition to some other international brands in Philippines by maing high quality traditional taste foods.
There are around 200K people searching specifically for Mang Inasaal in the Philippines which is almost the same as Chowking.
Final Thoughts
Going through all such stats of these brands, you will notice one thing that local brands from these like Mang Inasaal and Chowing are low in local searches, but remember in terms of sales these brands are constantly breaking records in the Philippines market as they are constantly providing high quality and clean food to their customers.